
Tik Tok Ring Light for phone

Tik Tok Ring Light for phone

Light characteristics during shooting time
There are two very important shooting times in landscape photography, the golden period of sunrise and sunset, and the Tik Tok Ring Light for phone
blues period before sunrise and sunset. The light discussed in this article is also based on these two periods.
Golden hour refers to half an hour after sunrise and half an hour before sunset. During this period, the angle of the sun is very low, close to the horizon, and the clouds are warm tones, and there are often brilliant morning and sunset clouds.
The blue tone period is the opposite, which refers to the deep blue tone of the sky when the sun is between -4o and -6o below the horizon before sunrise and after sunset. At this Tik Tok Ring Light for phone time, the light ratio between the sky and the ground is close, the light is very soft,
For prime time and blues time, fully understand the light characteristics of these two time periods, and use light rendering.
For prime time and blues time, fully understand the light characteristics of these two time periods, and show the meaning of the work through light rendering.
Blues period
Prime time
The picture above was taken at the same time in Bombo. The gloomy and heavy blues period is completely different from the splendor of the golden period.
Various weather light types
Understand the different types of light that appear in various weather, and use the shape and color of the light to help express the mood and atmosphere of the photo.
sunny day
The variety of light is the most abundant in sunny weather, and both prime time and blues time are creative spaces. However, the sky with clouds and no clouds will be different. Clouds will make the picture more vivid. High-altitude clouds have more colorful changes during golden hours than low-altitude clouds, and there will be a transition from red to orange to golden yellow. If high-altitude clouds and low-altitude clouds are staggered, the photo will be more layered and more three-dimensional. The distribution of cloud cover can be analyzed through weather forecast websites and satellite cloud images.
cloudy day
The light on cloudy days is mostly scattered light, and the sky is covered by low clouds. Even during golden hours, sunlight may not penetrate the thick clouds, so the photos taken on cloudy days are mostly blue.